my blog

[27/05/24] My Birthday YAY!!

i’m officially 19 now! yippie! i celebrated my birthday with a halloween party 2 days ago, my hair is green at the moment so i decided to dress up as beetlejuice for the second time in my halloween costume's history. unfortunately the striped pants i was wearing don’t show in most of the pictures bUT I WAS WEARING THEM I SWEAR!!1! my outfit was basically the pants, boots, a black turtleneck and velvet blazer and a silver tie + white contacts!
two friends came to the event, camille was dressed as a nun (of the Ghost variety) and iota as a cute pink witch (she made the hat and all!). lavínia was freddy krueger!! she did her makeup and it looked pretty cool. we tried to find a fedora for her when shopping for party supplies but we were unsuccessful. i bought salgadinhos (tiny coxinhas and cheese balls, little kibes and such) and made punch!

aiza and 2 friends sitting and drinking punch on her living room

i did not buy/make any cake for the gathering, lavínia bought me one yesterday so we could eat at midnight (today) but we caved and ate it before my actual birthday.. she got really nervous singing happy birthday for some reason and got THE LYRICS WRONG IT WAS REALLY FUNNY ToT
i got two cool shirts! a black parade one with some lyrics from bullets (our lady of sorrows) and one with the creatures of the night album. i also will probably be getting a new tattoo soon! yay!
today we went out to get coffee at a cafe i like and it was raining a lot, it still is as i’m writing this. i got COXINHA and a cappuccino, it was really good.

bereal picture of lav singing happy birthday to aiza, there is a small cake with a lit sparkler on top of it
picture of lav sitting on a table with cappuccinos and food, she's smiling at the camera


so, me lavínia and iota are in a band together! =D
we are currently trying to get lavínia some actual drums and find a bassist, but we’re pretty determined to get this band going!
we are not set on a name yet, but my suggestion was “möfo preto” (black mold) (the ¨ is for aesthetic purposes only). the formation right now is: iota (guitar, vocals), lav (drums, vocals) and me (guitar, vocals). we want to play lots of different songs and genres, but we’ll probably make a setlist pretty soon so we can optimize the learning how to play everything and get the songs down etc, since there are a few songs that we’ll be having to make the arrangements ourselves.
any new updates and i’ll be posting here! bye xx

Good Vibe - Dona Cislene

[06/05/24] small updates

no monster roadtrip, sorry =[ ₊ ⊹

hello! i don’t have any big updates, just wanted to register my new hair =] ! Lavínia painted it for me! it glows in UV lighting and the color kinda looks like yellow highlighter irl. We didn’t do much this weekend, mostly drank and listened to lots of music, it was pretty nice and i missed her a lot. we also went out for dinner yesterday after a failed attempt to go to a park, the power was out and i didn’t have the keys to the inside gate, so we were stuck until someone eventually opened it, but by that time it was dark already so we initially tried getting some coffee, but the cafe was already closed. we ended up at a place called calzoon and got a calzone combo (hence the name calzoon), we ate A LOT, lavinia died a little, and then we went home. by that time the power was back.

pic of the table with lav and aiza holding calzones and 2 trays with juice cups
aiza's profile showing their hair: a bright green grown out mullet
two smirnoff ice bottles with a lighter in front of them, the lighter has a sticker of Sandy Lima

random topics ₊ ⊹

i forgot to mention in my last post that i updated all my twitch overlays. i still have to find a place to link my channel here, even though i’m doing everything but streaming at the moment. i downloaded a thing that turns my tablet into a stream deck, so thats pretty cool. (its deckboard for the interested, works on any android device)
i haven’t been watching many new movies recently, i might do that today. i’ve updated my trash list with a few titles and i still haven’t watched the crow. some of the current films i plan on watching: Brain Damage 1988, Videodrome 1983, From Beyond, Basket Case 1982, all the living dead movies and a few other. movie recs are always welcome!
there will be lots of blog updates this month because both my girlfriend and i were born in may, so i’ll be traveling to her city, she’ll be coming here etc. my birthday will be halloween themed, yay! i’m planning on doing a small gathering with spooky music, fun lighting and colorful drinks (can’t really afford anything more elaborate to be honest), costume mandatory! i’ve made an invite already (picmix ugly ass gif), but if i post it i’m probably going to put it here closer to the date.
well, i thinks that's it. bye xx =]

Question! - System Of A Down

[03/05/24] general life updates and new art!

brain rotting rapidly ₊ ⊹

hello! it’s been a while since i’ve done a blog update! my life’s been pretty boring these days, that’s all there is to my disappearing actually =,] but i come bringing some news! i recently updated this site, which now has a full reanimator page! yay! i plan on creating a few more pages for specific things (next one will probably be about bbc merlin) but i’m kind of having a mental block with layouts and stuff. the brainrot was STRONG this week, even my mo dao zu shi obsession came back and i spent like 3 days reading only dead poets fanfiction.

college and life ₊ ⊹

my university decided to not freeze the calendar and now i’m having only 2 classes a week, so that's that, but i had my first creative processes class yesterday with a new teacher who is very cool, he’s got the keating philosophy and went on about how we’re gonna “make the lessons up as we go, be COURAGEOUS, it’s all about the PROCESS” so i was very happy that he decided to actually teach the class; he asked us to introduce ourselves and since most of us said we are artists he asked us to bring some art for the next lesson, and thats what i spent most of my afternoon today doing! i’ll put the painting here somewhere. he’s adept to the philosophy of perception = existence, which i’m a big fan of!! i’m pretty certain that this class is going to be great an i’ll have lots of fun with his assignments, i’m also pretty sure most of my classmates won’t be attending.

digital painting of a girl with short hair looking at spectator with wide eyes and a parted smile, she's wearing a darkblue patterned sweater, her skin, hair and eyes are green; the background has round abstract shapes
same painting with a variation in hue to a pinkish/salmon color, the background has spiky abstract shapes

Lavínia is coming tomorrow! i don’t know if we’re going out since i’ts been raining this entire week (it’s like, an actual climate thing that's putting cities under water in the south of brazil) and there’s a big chance we’ll just chill at home and watch some movies or something. we were apart for almost a month and only saw each other yesterday for about 4 hours at college, so we’re missing each other very much. if we actually go out, i’ll update this with some pics! or maybe do an entire new post, idk yet. also, expect a new monster roadtrip review! we will play it together for sure! that’s all for now, bye =]

Big Town Banky Blaine's Rockabilly BBQ - Bear Ghost

[23/04/24] aaaa

i'm working a lot sorry!! ₊ ⊹

garfield looking up with arms open saying 'take me now, lord!'

haven't done much lately, got a job helping out on my friend's game coloring some stuff! it's not hard at all but pretty time consuming.. my teachers are on strike but the college administration won't freeze the calendar, which is fucking us over very much ahahaha!!! haven't had time (or will) to do much lately, i drew a little witch yesterday for a maybe idea for a game lavinia had, involving a witch academy and puzzles, but thats basically it :p. i want to start streaming again and since i won't be going to my classes i guess i'll have the time to do that. i guess thats pretty much it, i'm sad for being so absent and not updating this site, i still love doing this and have lots of things planned!

[14/04/24] celebrating our mensiversary yay! ♥

today was pretty fun! lavínia and i went on a date to a cool underground (literally) cafe, they were showing a photography exhibit called “Mel de cabaú”, with images of garments and body painting done by the Lambe-sujos and Caboclinhos communities. the pictures were pretty cool! the cafe was almost full, lots of different types of people, which is always nice. i ordered waffles and a salted caramel coffee and lavínia ordered a pot roast quiche and an oreo frappé, everything was pretty good but i kinda regretted the salted caramel because it was kinda basic and not really worth the price for me. lavínia really liked her frappé though! and the cafe =]

picture of aiza and lavinia making kissy faces at the camera
pic showing the inside of the cafe, it looks like a tunnel but smaller, there are lots of people eating
picture of aiza and lavinia smiling, lav is very close to the camera
pic of a painting being lit by 2 lights (cool and warm) and a neon red pannel spelling 'art', the camera is far away
two coffees, waffles and a quiche on a wooden table

after eating we ended up staying a bit at the pride event we passed by earlier in the afternoon and I bought an enby flag! they were playing very diverse music including a spanish version of the famous ncs banger “on and on”. as of today i am 100% sure of my clairvoyance (/j) for the sheer fact that i PREDICTED that they would play ellie goulding, i was washing the dishes, turned around and casually commented “what happened to ellie goulding? haven't heard of her since like 2015” and today i woke up to LET IT BURN PLAYING SOMEWHERE ON THE STREET?!?!?

monster camp ₊ ⊹

changing the subject completely, we played monster camp this morning (as in 3 to 5 am), it was a fun game but we were discussing on the very weird design choice of just completely deciding which monster you can actually date on the first question of the game? it just makes the game less fun, then the stats kind of don’t really matter and it becomes more of a visual novel than a dating sim. monster prom didn’t give me this impression and we did the long run in both games. the dialogue was pretty fun and the events as well, the art is just amazing. would recommend, but with the disclaimer of not being able to actually date.
i guess thats all the updates today, bye! x

You’re so Fine - The Top Drawers

[12/04/24]Life updates and my first blog post!

introductions ₊ ⊹

hello! i figured i should introduce myself here since i haven't done an “about me” section just yet. my name is isabella, but you can call me isa or aiza i don’t really mind! i am currently in college studying game design, at the moment the university is on break, so i organized myself to study alone (the classes aren’t very productive) and ended up absolutely obsessed with html and css. the actual practical game stuff i was learning got put on hold because i have a really big problem with getting fixated on stuff and not being able to think about anything else (seriously, i legit forget to eat, shower etc) so i’m making this site!
i am very passionate about many things, here are a few of them organized by type of media:
shows: bbc merlin 2008, hannibal, stranger things, 6teen, nowhere boys 2013, community
films: dead poets society 1989, reanimator 1985 (more specifically bride of reanimator 1990), my own private idaho 1991, metal lords 2022, gremlins 1984, daniel isn't real 2019
games: sally face, the sims (2 and 4), the quarry
random: garfield, danger days comics, metamorphosis (the book), mdzs, vinyls
and right now: web surfing!!
as for music, you can check out my music logs!
expect me to talk about all these things and more, i like a lot of stuff and my main communication method is referencing things hehe.

my life right now ₊ ⊹

i have a club to go to today, it’s currently 15:23, i might come here at night and update this with pictures if i actually end up going. the thing is emo/punk themed so i know the music is going to be great, but i’m not sure i have the energy to go, and lavinia doesn’t live in the same city as me, so she’s not going. i’m pretty sure it’s going to be kinda weird for some personal reasons.
today is raining and gray and cold, which usually makes me happy, but i’m feeling a bit down. it just might be hormones though.
i haven’t done as much as i wanted this break, i got up to half of what i was expecting to study and left out the densest part. i guess i can keep studying this throughout the semester but i’m not sure i’ll have the willpower to do so. i covered all the math stuff and half of the godot stuff (plus html and css, which were an extra), haven’t looked at graphics or AI yet, did study a bit of game design previously to this. i really wanted to do just art, but i was getting screwed off by every group i got in because people just have no sense of responsibility and it was making me EVIL so i decided to guarantee that i know how to do the basics of everything at least.
i guess thats it for now, bye! ˙ᵕ˙

[13/04/24 04:57 am] So, turns out my girlfriend got to come and we went to the club yaaaay!!! i cosplayed sweet revenge era gerard way but i took off my tie at some point. it was really fun! they played all the classic emo bangers. here are the pics i promised! =] (will be logging this in the gallery)

picture of aiza and lavinia from a high angle
picture of colorful lights and people dancing at the club
picture of aiza and lavinia making kissy faces at the camera

So Says I - The Shins

picture of aiza


name: aiza

pronouns: she/he/they

mood: The current mood of a_iza at

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